Singapore to Taipei
24 October, Horizon Inn,Taipei Our 9am flight to Taiwan required a 5:15am start. Exiting Singapore was much less painful than our entry. They have introduced a thumbprint scanning system that reads your passport and matches your ID to the scan yo u gave on entry, much the same as Australia’s face recognition entry system, except that it can be used for everybody. We flew Scoot for the first time. It was about what we expected from a budget airline, though their food prices on board were way higher than AirAsia’s. Countries in Asia and probably in other places, need to do something to better apply technology to immigration processes. The security issues are of course understandable, but surely this is an area where enhanced, technically-sophisticated processes would not only save money, but also alleviate some of the tension and frustrations that are building at border crossings in many countries. It took us over an hour to clear immigration into Taiwan today. Thousands of “...